Det avlives daglig alt for mange hunder – til tross for at de er helt friske. Dette kommer av at mange hundehjem er fylt til randen av eierløse hunder, og de som ikke blir adoptert bort blir avlivet. Men heldigvis finnes det solskinnshistorier!

Hunden Phoebe var på et hundehjem. Hun så daglig mennesker komme inn og velge ut andre hunder, men hun selv ble aldri valgt. Til slutt hadde hun fått sine sjanser, og hun skulle avlives. Men så kom organisasjonen Big Fluffy Dog Rescue på banen.

Phoebe var så deprimert at hun måtte bæres ut i bilen. All livsgnist var borte. Men etter å ha fjernet hele 13 kilo pels, gitt henne et bad og flere måneder med kos og mosjon, hadde hun fått tilbake selvtilliten og tilliten til mennesker igjen. I dag er Phoebe en helt ny hund!

Se filmen her, og DEL den gjerne med dine venner:

Rescue. What does it mean to you? Rescue is more than just taking dogs and finding them homes.

It's playing God by choosing who or how many you can save, it's emotional, it's transforming a scared, neglected dog into a happy and healthy dog. It's finding donors to help you pay for care when it turns out the "healthy" dog you just took in has an illness that they can't tell you about. It's seeing the horrors of other people's anger issues, the outcome of one's neglectful ways and the broken souls of the dogs as they enter your loving arms for the first time.

Rescue is hard. Rescue is not for the weak. Rescue is our life. #FortheLoveofDogs

We are at an intake standstill as we have a 70% increase in heartworm positive dogs.

We NEED your help to continue rescuing more dogs.

If you'd like to contribute, you can do so by:

Texting: BFDR to 41444
Commenting: #donate
Or PayPal:

**In honor of #TransformationTuesday we present you with Phoebe. Phoebe came to us in her last hour in a high kill shelter. She was matted beyond belief and could barely walk. She was obese and needed 2 people to carry her and load her into a car. After many months of therapy and lots of love, Phoebe is almost 30lbs lighter and happy as ever. And her transformation is only possible because of YOU!

Phoebe is still awaiting her forever home, but she is loving every minute with her foster parents. If interested in adopting Phoebe, email

Posted by Big Fluffy Dog Rescue on 4. oktober 2016