Kaniner og fugler har kanskje ikke så mye til felles – men disse to ser ut til å virkelig ha funnet tonen. Begge to har noe til felles – de ble funnet forlatt av sine mødre, og begge måtte legges i kuvøse. Det var der de møttes. Mellom de to, ble det plassert en liten vegg.
Trangen til å føle nærhet ble for stor for kaninen, som klarte å rive ned den lille veggen, og legge seg tett inntil fuglungen.
De to fant trøst og nærhet i hverandre, og siden den gang har de vært uatskillelige. Det var lenge ikke sikkert at kaninen kom til å klare seg, men sammen med fuglekompisen sin har den vokst seg stor og sterk.
Her er et klipp av de to gode vennene. De har vokst seg større, men fortsatt er de alltid sammen. De er nok venner for livet 🙂
Se filmen her, og del med dine venner!
A little story of comfort and love…
These two tiny orphans arrived into our care separately. So, a little bit about them! The tiny bunny has been with one of our foster carers since he was admitted after being orphaned two weeks ago. He was so tiny that he still had the remains of umbilical cord attached. He was very weak and we honestly didn't expect him to make it. But he did. He progressed slowly but surely. Then last week, very unexpectedly, he had a prolonged seizure which left him weakened with an unsteady gait. Again, we thought he wouldn't make it. But again, he battled on and slowly began to improve. Then, on Friday, we received a call from a lady who had found a pigeon's nest on the ground. In it was a newly hatched chick and an unhatched egg. Sadly, the egg was cold and no longer viable, but the little chick appeared to be unharmed from the fall.
Both baby bunny and the chick needed the warmth and comfort of an incubator but our foster carer only had one incubator so she placed a divide in the middle of it with one baby on either side. Both babies fed and settled down down well. Imagine our foster carer's surprise when she next checked them and discovered that the divide had been overcome and these two had decided that life together was better than life apart. Ever since, they have curled straight up together after every feed. Neither is out of the woods yet, tiny lives are so delicate at this stage, but they are thriving for now. The comfort of two heartbeats together, of companionship, has crossed the species divide. They are simply two little babies, finding comfort and warmth in each other's company. Aren't they just beautiful? 🙂 xxxPosted by Kildare Animal Foundation Wildlife Unit on 14. august 2016